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FOTEMP TS Series Fiber Optic Temperature Probes

TS Series GaAs Temperature Probes

Fiber optic thermometer systems are also available for rent!

Micronor Sensors offers a complete range of fiber optic temperature sensors, probes and interfaces for high precision temperature measurement in challenging environments. TS series fiber optic temperature probes offer immunity to RF and microwave radiation along with wide temperature range, intrinsic safety and non-invasive use. The fiber optic temperature probes can operate over -200°C to +300°C (-328°F to +572°C), and withstand harsh and corrosive environments. Typical fiber optic temperature monitoring applications include:

  • Process monitoring
  • Power transformers
  • Medical environments
  • Catheter instrumentation
  • Harsh chemical conditions, including radiation environments.

FOTEMP System Principle of Operation

How FOTEMP GaAs Thermometry Works
The TS series fiber optic temperature probes are true absolute temperature sensors consisting of a gallium arsenide (GaAs) crystal that is mounted on the end of an optical fiber. The block diagram above illustrates how the fiber optic temperature measurement system works. A broadband light source is coupled into the fiber and impinges on the crystal. GaAs behaves like a temperature sensitive cut-off filter in which the crystal absorbs some light and transmits other light. The characteristic edge, or transition wavelength, between the reflected and transmitted spectrum is directly related to the band gap energy, and hence the absolute temperature.
Technical Explanation: The system records the photo energy sufficient to excite an electron from the valence to the conduction band of the semiconductor crystal. The required amount of energy is equal to the so-called band-gap energy, Egap. The well-known underlying principle of operation is based on the temperature dependence of the band gap of the direct (zone center) GaAs intrinsic gap; Egap=1.423eV, corresponding to 872nm at 300°K; dEgap/dT= -0.452meV/°K at 300°K. The spectrum of a GaAs sensor crystal placed in a medium of unknown temperature is measured in the reflectance mode, and the wavelength position of the characteristic edge is analyzed to determine the temperature.
Download this technical paper for more information about how GaAs fiber optic temperature sensors work and their features: A New Fiber Optical Thermometer and Its Application for Process Control in Strong Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, SENSORS LETTERS, 2003

Download the TS series Temperature Probe Quick Guide:

FOTEMP TS sensor quick guide

Select the TS temperature sensor best suited for your application:

  • TS2p, for general purpose R&D, bare 0.3mmx0.3mm GaAs crystal for measuring temperature of smallest surface areas such as semiconductor chips and other small samples (small vials, etc.) too large for TS3 or TS5 probes
  • TS3, for general purpose R&D, RF and microwave applications, where a rigid-type probe (versus TS2) for insertion into soft media (liquid, gel, powder, food) is desired
  • TS4, for  harsh chemical and nuclear conditions
  • TS5, for medical applications and where smallest profile required
  • TST, for oil-filled and dry transformer applications
  • TS Multipoint, for special bundled multipoint/multiprobe applications, for single probe/multipoint temperature sensing goto Fiber Bragg Gratings
  • SmartSpacer and SmartDisc for embedding TST probes in transformer windings for hotspot monitoring
  • SmartBusbar for attaching TS3 sensors to busbars for temperature monitoring
SmartSpacer, SmartDisc, SmarrBusbar mounting accessories for TS series temperature probes

Download the FOTEMP Signal Conditioner Quick Guide:

FOTEMP signal conditioners for use with TS series fiber optic temperature probes

FOTEMP Signal Conditioners come in a range of form factors – Handheld, Bench Top, DIN Rail, Rack Mount, OEM PCB and OEM Module.

  • FOTEMP-PLUS, Most popular model! 1/2/4 Channel Bench Top Signal Conditioner. 4-Channel model available in stock for purchase or rent.
  • FOTEMP-OEM, 1/2/4 Channel Module (no display) for OEM Applications.
  • FOTEMP-T2, 4/8/12/16 Channel Bench Top/Chassis Mount/DIN Rail Mount Signal Conditioner for General Purpose Test, Process, Transformer, and other Industrial Monitoring Applications.
  • INSULOGIX T3, 4/8/12/16 Channel Chassis Mount/DIN Rail Mount Signal Conditioner specifically designed for advanced Transformer Hotspot Monitoring.
  • FOTEMP-Mini3, Small form factor, PCB based, single channel signal conditioner for OEM Embedded Applications.
  • FOTEMP-Assistant Data Logging Software, Free software! Compatible with Windows 7/10/11. Excel compatible data files.
FOTEMP TS sensor quick guide
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