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ZAPPY 302 Configuration Software For MR340 Controller

FiSens Sensor Chain


Configuration software for MR340 Series Controllers

ZAPPY® 302 software is distributed with every MR340 Controller and is designed to provide the user with a simple but powerful system configuration and diagnostics tool for the MR340 series Fiber Optic Rotary and Linear Incremental Encoder System. Initially, the program is used to pre-program MR340 Controller internal parameters, such as the voltage level of A/B quadrature outputs (5/12/24V) as well as the analog output. It is also used to verify system operation during installation, run diagnostics and facilitate system troubleshooting.

For information  on the complete range of MR340 series rotary and linear encoders, click on this link.


  • Current ZAPPY 302 is Version 1.7 dated July 2018
  • Runs on Windows 10, 8, and 7.
  • FOR USB USERS: Some versions of Windows do not include the Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers for the internal FTDI USB chipset. These drivers cause the Micronor Controller to appear as an additional COM port to the PC. You can download these drivers from the FTDI VCP Support Website.

More information about ZAPPY 340 and MR340 Controller operation can be found in the MR340-1 Technical Manual.


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